Sunday, February 17, 2013

Kansas Startup AudioAnywhere Launches Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign

After beneficial beta testing in early 2012, AudioAnywhere, A might-Based startup that makes ease of the streaming music experience, Has launched a crowdfunding campaign through one of the earth's largest global funding platforms, Indiegogo.

AudioAnywhere, A client of kansas-Based technology startup gas Think Big Partners, Is working to prove that listeners can enjoy a free music streaming experience while artists get adequately paid out through social media marketing companies6-Established royalties. Despite nice of sites like Pandora and Spotify, Money making of streaming music has been underwhelming. Streaming services are losing profits and record labels are dissatisfied with meager royalty payments.

Kyle manley, Scott Johnson and Ryan Luckie have developed this innovative music platform and the revenue engine behind the curtain known as Bixy. By hybridizing the two products, The team expects to revive the online record companies. AudioAnywhere plans to pay artists five times more than what they earn today through revenues generated by Bixy's easier audio and banner ads. Bixy will prove that internet surging music can be a 75% Commission! Great Conversions! Amazing Program For Women’s Health. The Menstrual Pain Relief Is A Huge, Growing Market. Highest Affiliate Pay Out For Menstrual Pain Relief Product. Affiliate Support And Bonus Structure For Top Affiliates. New Hot! Menstrual Cramps Cure! 75% Commission + Bonuses! win-Acquire-Win for fans, Artists and advertisers on mobile.

"AudioAnywhere has a real opportunity solve a big problem for the entire music industry, And in the end the listening consumer, Understood Herb Sih, corp-Founder of Think Big soulmates. "By incorporating an easy-That can-Implement, Streaming music platform in a social environment superb give consumers highly relevant social media marketing companies6 offers that make sense, AudioAnywhere may crack the code on making online music viable for any couple. Without figuring out how to pay artists and labels in a manner that doesn't hurt the consumer, Eventually online music may die and then everyone loses,

more, Crowdfunding is becoming a mainstream method for financing and marketing varying new ventures. Sure in the crowdfunding trend, AudioAnywhere is excited to activate the Indiegogo community and hopes to raise $10,000 by august 6, 2012. These kinds of funds, AudioAnywhere plans to first offer a radio feature that uses social data to decide medicare supplement music a listener likes. With the rest of the $10,000 rise, AudioAnywhere will implement the system that easily pays artists when people listen to their music.

"We felt that Indiegogo would be a higher launch vehicle for AudioAnywhere, Said Kyle manley, Chief executive officer of AudioAnywhere. "We're able to tell our story to an audience contemplating music and technology and we'll raise some money too,

AudioAnywhere is a music buffering platform out to prove that going music can be both free to listeners and lucrative for artists and record labels. AudioAnywhere's sister manufacturer, Bixy, Provides online music sites with advertisings that are highly personalized to each listener. Listeners can get fewer, Yet better commercials and an entirely free listening experience