Thursday, February 21, 2013

LaserTouch beauty Adds Toenail Fungus Treatment with Laser to the Array of Services Offered

LaserTouch Aesthetics offers a safe, Herbal medicine-Free and effective nail fungus infection treatment. Thousands - beyond

what 35 million Americans - is laid low with toenail fungus, Which ranges from a mild discoloration at first glance of one

toenail to severe deformity of all the nails.

LaserTouch Aesthetics offers a safe, Treatment-Free and effective nail fungus infection treatment.

Laser treatment for toenail fungus procedure requires one or limited safe, Quick treatments with minimal or no discomfort

and is finished conveniently as an outpatient service. The task requires no anesthesia. The gentle laser light beam has no

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effects on healthy tissue and targets only infected area, The nail difficult.

Nail infection, Likewise known as onychomycosis, Can cause nails to become yellow or jaded. As chlamydia advances the nail

can become thick, Brittle and individual from the nail bed. This can possibly cause pain when wearing shoes or walking.

No drugs or topical ointments are used during the anti aging laser treatments for toenail fungus procedure, Putting a stop

to the total-Body side effects of traditional medications. Independent studies show that the laser hair treatment for

toenail fungus can promote clear nail growth in a majority of cases. Toenails grow slowly -Especially nails contaminated

with fungus. For this reason, It could take 6-12 months for the toenail to pay off.

LaserTouch Aesthetics cosmetic procedures and hair laser removal centers, Located in New York City provide facial laser

treatments, Tattoo fading, Botox and waffle, Laser skin vitality, Microderm, Cellulite treatment method, Smartlipo and other

aesthetic procedures for male and female clients of all skin complexions. Which you can best serve clients, LaserTouch

Aesthetics utilizes the innovative and safest laser and aesthetics technologies such as Cynosure Elite MPX, Medlite C6,

Candela GentleLASE GentleYAG Cutera Xeo, Viora problem and Cynosure Smartlipo MPX.

LaserTouch Aesthetics is the facial laser treatments center of choice that offers the most extensive variety of lasers in

New York City and the US.

LaserTouch Aesthetics operates in two clinics effortlessly located at 150 Spring Street, Bare floors 2, New york city, NY

10012 together with 57 W. 57th lane Suite 809, The big apple, New york city 10019