Sunday, February 17, 2013
Kahuna traditional Lomi Lomi Massage
Traditional Lomi Lomi (More known as Kahuna massage) Is no usual massage; It is a blending of body, Mind and spirit and is normally performed to honour the body as a temple of the soul.
It is mostly of the massage techniques taught today which is truly holistic, Increased many aspects of spirituality, Healing and energy work into the real bodily massage.
The style taught is called Temple Style Lomi Lomi and is like a normal massage. It is identified by its long flowing strokes, Floating hula, tai-Chi style dance movements and containing the huna breath.
It is a deeply connected and loving massage which has the capacity to heal at many levels. The physician uses warm oil and connecting, Flowing strokes like waves of the ocean creating mostly using the forearms. The whole body is massaged and strokes can be over or under the body concurrently.
A sarong is used maintain modesty, This allows for continuous long flowing strokes over Fapturbo Is The Only Automated Forex Income Solution That Doubles Real Monetary Deposits In Under 30 Days. No Backtest Tricks. The Best Converting And Best Performing Forex Product On The Planet, Period. No Wonder It Sells Like Candy Real Money Doubling Forex Robot Fap Turbo – Sells Like Candy! the entire body. For deeper work the massage therapist may use hands, Arms or knees. It can be provided either as a deep tissue, Stimulating or relaxing massage.
Traditionally this massage was part of the Hawaiian Rites of Passage as it is thought to be both life changing and healing. Those who go through it will cherish the memory as a unique, Magical and memorable come across. It often leaves clients feeling energized and floating for a number of days.
The exploration learning of this technique will positively expand your own self improvement both physically, Mentally and mentally, As you learn aspects of Hawaiian spiritual techniques.
Course possible goals:
You will acquire the basic skills to attempt a Temple Style Lomi Lomi Massage after Level 1. The course is as much a journey of self discovery and healing as it is all these sacred massage techniques. You will learn many of the secret Huna techniques and tools and the chance to truly experience them