Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kids take TV Ads

A recent New York Times article describes outcomes of an American national survey of 12,000 the youngsters in Grades 5-10 that link poor eating habits in children to the television they watch.

Similar findings have been made by Canadian study workers. It seems the more the tube kids watch, The more junk food they snack on and the more unhealthy their general eating routine is. The American study benefits the link primarily to broadcast social media marketing companies6, Which is suspected to influence the diet youngsters make, Even when they're not watching tv. Ergo, The ads' syrupy images of saccharine foods stick in the kids' brains and direct the dietary choices they make in the neighborhood shop or the school cafeteria.

While this isn't new reports and should surprise few people, It may serve as a useful reminder of the moral burden borne by parents, The social media marketing companies6 industry and fastfood-Producing enterprises. Kids have been indoctrinated into the long-Term unintended side effects of eating unhealthy food -- effects that through obesity to early death.

Nevertheless, Given in this article, It's unlikely that levels of childhood obesity and bad eating habits will change demonstrably in the future:

The buzz of Pizza Pockets, Chocolate bars and potato chips and their widespread availability in food markets, Grocery stores and grocery stores; Their generally cheaper prices than better for you choices; The fact that nowadays a plethora of parents both work full-Time and have few free moments to cultivate healthy eating habits in their kids; That television and other forms of theater media have, To a hefty extent, Replaced parents as the main supply of education in their formative years.

Doctor. Organic produce is generally higher and difficult to afford in our recession and debt-Heavy eras.

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For example, Poor food-Production corporations and their advertisers can't be made to risk significant reductions of their profit margins as a the long-Term health of our children and grandchildren. But we as voters of a (regal) Democracy are still allowed to fancy the moral aspects of encouraging healthy eating among kids, If only to allay our guilty consciences and let hope fuel productivity in our proficient lives, Remaining in steady incomes to keep roofs over our children's fattening heads