Friday, March 8, 2013
Main Street customs Festival in 2 weeks
Trucking jobs tv advert promoting the upcoming Main Street Heritage Festival in July that lists some musicians but I didn't quite catch the date. Certainly, I checked the Tazewell Area Chamber of Commerce website for expertise and the home page only says it will be held July 23 -25 with the schedule to be proclaimed later.
Hey CHAMBER OF marketing! waken! You want so badly to promote vistors to the town consider updating your own site and do a little promotional work. social media marketing companies6 only in a local market is hardly thought of adequate, Particularly if the town is hoping to attract out-Linked-Town website readers.
I am all for making the town a that much more attractive place to not only visit, But reside. How about taking a more active role and a minimum of update your web page?
Wheat berry anatomy worse, I just realized the Chamber's site (That list the schedule TBA) Does not even have the perfect dates! The one advert says trapped on July 18 not the 23.
If this town would get on the ball they could formerly had notices about the "event" All via the internet including a way to get some of the Appalachian Trail hikers to get into town for a night. To be truthful, Does anyone even want this shtelter alive. I am not even asking about suceeding, Simply not completely closing down.
Where is the tourism home? This just consider all. And to think do the job! Chamber driven event.
From all I have heard you'll see some bands each night. At least I can make plans for nights - to fail to go, But never to forget that I won't be able to drive down Main Street.
I received a prompt answer an email I sent to the Chamber. Apparently a shortage of funds created a situation where the donors who normally help with the social media marketing companies6 costs have chosen to donate to offset some of the expense of the event itself, Such as the activity. Their web master barters his services and keep a full-Time job but I was assured through ask him to update their site.
An announcement will be going out this weekend to local papers.
I hope the Chamber doesn't overlook my concern which was how to build some out-With regards to-Towners in for big celebration. Tazewell needs some activity to draw visitors to town. Without the need the info on your site, When the one tv advert bears the chamber's web site really shouldn't have been unnoticed.
But yo, Maybe I am one of the few around here that would like to see this place benefit from special pursuits like this. Granted they could be recycled big-Time like the Highlands Festival in Abingdon but why can't we take action nice?
Tazebell written:
I received a prompt answer an email I sent to the Chamber. Apparently a shortage of funds created a situation where the donors who normally help with the social media marketing companies6 costs have chosen to donate to offset some of the expense of the event itself, Such as the cinema. Their web master barters his services while keeping a full-Time job but I was assured they'd ask him to update their site.
An announcement will be going out this weekend to local papers.
I hope the Chamber doesn't overlook my concern which was how to get some out-Akin to-Towners in for this launch. Tazewell needs some activity to draw individuals to town. Being without the info on your site, When the one tv advert bears the chamber's web site really shouldn't have been pushed aside.
But howdy, Maybe David Preston Literally Started The “offline Consulting” Craze. This Includes Everything He Released…,000+ Of Information. Currently Converting At 3-7% In One Of The Hottest Niches In Im! David Preston’s Offline Goldmine War Chest I am one of the few around here that would like to see this place benefit from special pursuits like this. Granted they may not be big-Time like the Highlands Festival in Abingdon but why can't we be nice?
I totally accept as true with you! I found try.
Many to my dismay, Nothing worth reading was posted on the chamber's resource site, Which is the state site for these "Parties, They managed to change the wording on the home page to take care of the dates, And then boldly declare "For schedule and activities simply please go here" - which takes you to the agenda for the 2008 event. Familiar Tazewell.
They wish to get people to come here then advertise - it would not have cost a dime to update it, Or get a new report in the Bluefield paper or probably have - job it here on Topix - at least the time you google something current would pop up.
This place talks about tourism but overlook nothing could possibly be for a tourist to do but drive on through. Where wouldn't you eat? Some fastfood joint? There is not even a Taco Bell or Dairy Queen for goodness sakes.
Where would they spend the night time here in Tazewell? With the two Indian-Owned motels that will not let you bring your doggy? Hate to actually explain, Dogs are not those that dirty the bathrooms that aren't kept all that clean in those places. Also people travel with doggies.
That exists nowhere special to shop either. What a shame that so many choices are just overlooked for the same old stuff.
This place online advertising rates could sponsor a flea market like it once was at the drive in, Along with old fashioned show - not junky squash or imports from Asia - and bring an appraiser in for citizens to go to. Find something to do on Main Street besides roll up the pathways.
Don't get me were only available in July on the Christmas parade. I doubt I will bother to go this year.
Acceptable, Which is all. I decided to vent about how the Chamber failed once more to promote this town and that is their purpose, Don't you think?
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